Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
email: info@tessitori.org
![]() The many documents conserved at the «Vincenzo Joppi» Municipal Library in Udine and at the residence of Tessitori’s nephew at Reana del Rojale bear eloquent witness to the activities of the Italian Indological scholar. |
Section III![]() Section III concerns handwritten documents from the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana.10 The collection comprises mainly transcriptions and translations. The section also includes five registers of correspondence, the Diary of the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana and the Summary Survey of the Bardic and Historical Literature of Rajputana. Summary Survey of the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP III/1); Diary of the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP III/2); Letters from the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP III/3/1-2); Copy-Books of the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP III/4/1-3); Appunti e trascrizioni (III/5/1-2); Catalogo dei mss. della Darbar Library di Bikaner (III/6); MSS Received, MSS purchased, MSS copied, MSS in private collections (AP III/7/1-4); Miscellaneous Bardic Songs (AP III/8); Manoscritto della Biblioteca di Ratlam (AP III/9); Ḍiṅgalabhāṣākośa (AP III/10); Rāṭhauṛāṃ rī vamsāvalī (AP III/11); Rāṭhauṛāṃ rī khaṃpaṃ rī pīḍhiyāṃ (AP III/12); Bātāṃ mārvāṛi rī (AP III/13); Jodhpur rā rāṭhauṛaṃ rī khyāta (AP III/14); Jodhpur rā rāṭhauṛāṃ rī khyāta (AP III/15); Jodhpur rā rāṭhauṛāṃ rī khyāta surū sūṃ mahārāj Ajitsiṅghajī taṃī (AP III/16); Jaitasī pāghṛī chanda (AP III/17); Rāy srī jaitasiṅghjī rā paghrī chandān rā ārth, acaladāsa khīcī (AP III/18); Gajasiṅghajī rā rūpaka, āḍhā kisanā rā kahiyā (AP III/19); Trascrizione MS (AP III/20); Trascrizioni MSS (AP III/21); Miscellanea MSS (AP III/22); Agh rāi jodhā nūṃ (AP III.23); Novelle popolari di Jodhpur (AP III/24); Canti popolari del Marwar (AP III/25); Canti del Marwar (AP III/26); Raccolta di testi poetici (AP III/27); Lista cronologica dei canti commemorativi di Bikaner (AP III/28); Note grammaticali (AP III/29); Copie di MSS (III/30); Ath meṛtiyā rāṭhauṛāṃ rī kavitā (AP III/31); Vāhaṇagīta kuśalalābhakṛta (AP III/32); Inscription on the Govardana Susāṇī Temple, Morkhana (AP III/33); Genealogie di Rāṭhòr (AP III/34); Storie di Rāṭhòr (AP III.35/1-2); Letters from the Archaeological Survey of India (AP III/36); Elenco di templi e iscrizioni (AP III.37/1-3); Esplorazioni (AP III.38/1-5); Liste di acquisti (AP III/39); Registro (AP III/40). |