Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
email: info@tessitori.org
![]() The many documents conserved at the «Vincenzo Joppi» Municipal Library in Udine and at the residence of Tessitori’s nephew at Reana del Rojale bear eloquent witness to the activities of the Italian Indological scholar. |
Section VII![]() Section VII contains the unpublished works prepared by Tessitori from 1911 to 1918, with a view to publication. Some of these works were reported by Dr. Guido Peano at the conference organized at Udine in 1987 in honour of the centenary of Tessitori’s birth, others works were identified in 1994. These works will be published in the collana Bibliotheca Indica in the near future. The list of the unpublished works is as follows: Puspabāṇavilāsa (AP VII/1); Gorakṣabodha (AP VII/2); Uvaesamālā (AP VII/3); Antologia del Rāmacaritamānasa (AP VII/4); Vacanikā Rāṭhòṛa Ratana Siṅghajī rī Mahesadāsòta rī (AP VII/5); Veli Krisana Rukamaṇī rī (AP VII/6); Rāi Jaita Sīha raü pāghaṛī chanda (AP VII/7); Chanda troṭaka Pābū Jīndarāu raü Vīṭhū Mehā raü kahiyaü (AP VII/8); Vacanikā Acaḷadāsa Khīcī rī (AP VII/9); Uktiratnākara (AP VII/10); Chronology of Bikaner 1887-1916 (AP VII/11); History of Bikaner (AP VII/12); Vīkānera rī kavitā (AP VII/13); Touring Report (AP VII/14). |